Data Communications Interface, Technical Data For HP 9000 Series 300 Computer Systems Product Number 98628A The HP 98628A Data Communications Interface enables your workstation to communicate with any device that is compatible with standard asynchronous or HP Data Link data communication protocols. Devices can include various modems or link adapters, as well as equipment with standard RS-232-C* or current loop links. Features o Asynchronous Serial Communications including RS-232-C (CCITT V.28/V.24), RS-449, RS-423, and RS-422 o Distributed System Network/Data Link support for communication to HP 1000 o Terminal Emulation software compatibility for communication with other computers o Data formats of 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits/character and 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits o Selectable odd, even or no parity and fixing parity bit to 0 or 1 *RS-232-C is a data communication standard established and published by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). Copies of the standard are available from the association at 20001 Eye Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20006. Its equivalent for European applications is CCITT V.24. Functional Specifications Data Rates Standard data rates available with internal clocking: 50 75 110 134.5 150 200 300 600 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 19200 Interrupt Capability The 98628A Serial Interface Card can be programmed to interrupt the computer on the following conditions: Async: o Data or control block available o Prompt received o Framing and/or parity error o Modem line change (DSR, DCD, CTS, RI) o No activity timeout o Lost carrier or connection timeout o End-of-line received o Break received Data Link: o Data block available o Space available for new transmission block o Receive or transmit error o Modem line change (DSR, DCD, DTS, RI) o No activity timeout o Lost carrier or connection timeout Buffer Size The 98628A card contains the following buffer sizes: Async: o Tx control is 11 blocks of 50 bytes each o Tx data is 549 bytes o Rx control is 99 blocks of 7 bytes each o Rx data is 699 bytes FDL: o Tx control is 11 blocks of 50 bytes each o Tx data is 549 bytes o Rx control is 11 blocks of 95 bytes each o Rx data is 1049 bytes Switch Configuration The following switches are configurable: Async/Data Link: Select Code: The factory setting is 20; valid select codes are 8 to 31. Interrupt Level: The factory interrupt priority level setting is 3; valid settings are 3 to 6. Async/Data Link: Selects between Async or Data Link personality; the factory setting is Asynchronous. Note: The settings listed below are not all switch selectable. However, all values are selectable through the CONTROL statement. Values selected through the CONTROL statement override the switch settings. Async: These settings are active when the ASYNC/DATA LINK switch is set to its ASYNC position. Parity-Bits/Character: A 2-bit switch selects between the following Parity-Bits/ Character combinations: None/8, None/7, Odd/7, Even/7; the factory setting is Odd/7. Hardware Handshake: A 2-bit switch selects: o Handshake Off, Non-modem Connection o Full-duplex, Modem Connection o Half-duplex, Modem Connection o Handshake On, Non-modem connection The factory setting is Full Duplex, Modem Connection. Baud Rate: A 3-bit switch selects between the following combinations of baud rates/stops bit settings: 110/2, 150/2, 300/1, 600/1, 1200/1, 2400/1, 4800/1, 9600/1. The factory setting is 300/1. Data Link: These settings are active when the ASYNC/DATA LINK switch is set to its DATA LINK position. DID: A 3-bit switch selects the following value for the 98628's device address: @, A, B, C, D, E, F, or G. Baud Rate: A 2-bit switch selects the following baud rates: 300, 1200, 9600, or 19200. Hardware Handshake: A 2-bit switch selects between: o Handshake Off, Non-modem Connection o Full-duplex, Modem Connection o Half-duplex, Modem Connection o Handshake On, Non-modem Connection Electrical Specifications Card Power Consumption: +5 V at 710 uA typical +12 V at 37 uA typical -12 V at 60 uA typical POD Power Consumption (supplied by computer): Data Link Adapter, HP 13264A +5 V 30 uA +12 V typical 160 uA -12 V 23 uA 300 Baud Modem, HP 13265A +5V 100 uA +12V typical 45 uA -12V 45 uA Current Loop Interface, HP 13266A +5 V 200 uA +12 V typical 90 uA -12 V 80 uA Ordering Information Earliest Language Version Required: BASIC 2.0, Pascal 1.0, HPL 2.0, AND HP-UX 2.0. The HP 98628A includes: 98628-66504 Data Communications Card 98046-90005 Data Comm Manual 98628-90001 Installation Manual HP 98628A Options: 001 4.9-meter (16 ft) RS-232-C DTE (male) cable (P/N 5061-4215) with test connector (P/N 1251-6625) 002 4.9-meter (16 ft) RS-232-C DCE (female) cable (P/N 5061-4216) with test connector (P/N 1251-6624) 003 4.9-meter (16 ft) RS-449/423 DTE (male) cable (P/N 5061-4250) with test connector (P/N 5061-4220) Supported Connection Products: HP 13264A Data Link Adapter for use in HP 1000- or HP 3000-based Data Link network applications HP 13265A Modem for asynchronous connections up to 300 baud, including built-in autodial capability. HP 13266A Current Loop Adapter for use with current loop links or devices. Fuse for Replacement/ Spare: 2110-0712 From HP Networking Communications Specifications Guide, 5091-3821E, 9205, p 026 Associated files: none Data Communications Interface, Technical Data